Today Panmure Bridge School had a special assembly. We were lucky to have Rachel announce the Summer/Winter Learning Journey for 2017-2018. Rachel was followed by the Woolf Fisher Research Center and the NEXT Foundation. First the Kapa Hapa Group performed and the visitors were really proud of their performance. Daniel, Mele and Ofa made a little speech about how we have participated in the Summer/Winter Learning Journey. I have been involved in the Summer/Winter Learning Journey for one year now and I think its a really awesome and a helpful programme to me. It helps a lot with my reading and I am looking forward to the next Summer Learning Journey. After the special visit everyone (including the visitors) had a free lunch proudly donated from NEXT Foundation. The lunch very delicious. The video above shows Daniel (Our Manaikalani Leader) showcasing how Panmure Bridge is a digital school and how we are part of the Summer/Winter Learning Journey.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
Collaborative Christmas Challenge
In LS2 we have been learning how to work collaboratively with each other. Our task was to research a country and explain how they celebrate Christmas. The country that we were researching was Germany. We were researching the traditions, food and etc. I learnt that in Germany kids place nice and clean boots in front of their door so St Nicolas (Santa) can visit them and leave a small gift. St Nicolas doesn't really come, its just a family member dressed as Santa. I found that Santa's name is really interesting because it's hard to read.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Student Leader Speech
This afternoon student leader nominees were presenting there speech in front of LS2 and Mr Johnston. I was running for sports leader. I thought I did okay but I was really nervous. Maybe if I get this role I can improve and get even better. I really hope I am the sports leader for 2018. But if I'm not, its okay at least I tried
Sports Leader Speech
Hello my name is Fraidoon. You should vote me for sports leader. Why, I shall tell. It would be an honor and privilege to serve Panmure Bridge School as this role. I am a great choice for the sports leader because I have the skills for it.
Firstly, I am a loud and confident person, which means I can represent the school without being shy or nervous. I am responsible and trustworthy. I am motivated and will encourage others to join in on the fun sports. I will represent the school really well and will strive to be a better role model each day for all the pupils in our great school.
Equally I would be a great sport leader, because I am involved in most of the sports and the inter-schools. The sports I enjoy playing are soccer and basketball. I give everything a go and don’t really mind if I lose. All that matters is having fun and trying your best.
I am confident to be a sport leader because I never back down. I’m also a responsible, reliable and a respectful person. One of my responsibilities is to do the bins when someone is absent or needs to go somewhere. I have a positive attitude in everything I do and I am always motivated to learn.
I always use sportsmanship at school and inter-school. It would be a pleasure to become a \school leader, which is one of my goals that I would like to accomplish this year. This concludes my speech and hopefully I will be able to call myself a sports leader next year. I hope I have persuaded you to vote for me. Thank You!
Monday, 4 December 2017
Geometry Coordination
Today for maths we were doing Geometry. We first got given a piece of paper with instructions. Then we were using our coordination skills to link the lines and we had to make sure we went across then up. Not up and across. Daniel and I worked together really well and were able to solve the problem. Once we finished we had to color the dog in, I chose to color mine black I learnt that we always have to go across and then up.
Tech Reflection
Every week, on a Friday morning the year sevens and eights go to Tamaki College for tech. So far this year, we have had three rotations. For the year eights, our rotations were (In this order), Food tech, graphics and hard materials. The Year sevens had Digital Tech, Graphics and Food Tech. In food tech, we learnt to cook and we made some amazing things like chocolate truffles and quiches. In graphics we designed and painted our jewelry and in Digital Tech we made our own animation using scratch. A big thanks to the three teachers that taught us: Mrs Heka (Food tech), Ms Ferguson (Graphics) and Ms Anderson (Digital Tech).
2018 Summer Learning Journey
On Friday, Hazel ( A member of the Summer Learning Journey) came to our school to talk about the 2018 Summer Learning Journey. She came to persuaded us in to joining in on the fun, while exploring through history. This program is set to help us more in our reading and writing. When we come back to school we are all smart and ready for a new year and ready for our tests. This program is happening on the 18th of December and ends on the 26th of January. This is a amazing event because you learn new stuff and you receive amazing prizes if you are the top winners (1st, 2nd, 3rd). This is going to be a challenging program because we have more participants from different clusters.
Summer Learning Journey
PE at Tamaki College
On Friday the year 7 and 8 students from Panmure Bridge School stayed at Tamaki College after our normal Tech session. We then got split into three different groups. The three groups were PE, Social Science and Robotics. I was in PE. Our teacher was Mr Moyes. To start off our session we played a game called infinity tag. In this game everyone is it. For example if you get tagged and another person tags your tagger, you can get back up. Also if you and another person tag each other at the same time, you have to do rock, paper, scissors. After that game we played Bench ball. The aim of this game was to get every one on your team on the bench. We had try and throw the ball to our teammates to get on the bench. To end the session we played a fun game of Samoan Softball. It's like softball but we could either kick the ball or hit it with our hand. If you hit the ball you need to run to the other side of the court and then come back without getting hit with the ball. Much Obliged to Mr Moyes and Tamaki College for making that day happen. Everyone had a blast and can't wait for next year.
PE(Physical Education),
Tamaki College,
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Fire Station Visit
As part of our inquiry this term we have been learning how the fire service helps our community. Panmure Bridge walked up to the Mt Wellington Fire Station. When we first arrived there, we asked questions. We learnt that if you call an ambulance there is a fair chance a fire truck might show up before an ambulance, but that is okay because they are first responders and know what to do. We then went outside and got to see the fire truck the the equipment in/outside of it. They explained to us that when people are stuck in vehicles, the firemen cut/destroy the vehicle to get the person out. They then demonstrated it with a vehicle, with nobody inside it. We then asked more questions. I learnt that they have different types of clothing for different types of jobs.
Fire Safety,
Fire Station,
Mt Wellington,
Panmure Bridge School
Fire Safety
As part of learning about the community for inquiry this term we have been writing fire safety messages to help out our community. As a class we were discussing how we can help our community with helpful messages. I wrote a message talking about smoke alarms and why its important to have it. There is a video I have linked to show why its important to have a smoke alarm. There are also some places that you shouldn't put smoke alarms. I learnt that smoke alarms can save your life one day.
Fire Safety,
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Learning To Motivate Others
This term the year 7's are learning about leadership. Today we were learning how to motivate others. We got into groups, which we then had to make a short skit about showing motivation. Josh, Dallas, Shakaia and I were in a group. After planning our skit we were sharing it to the class. I think we did really well. Next everyone made a Tagul using synonyms of motivation. Before putting the words on our Tagul we had to make sure we knew the meaning. I think that motivation means, when a person persuades another person to succeed and achieve their goal.
Mussel Harvesters
In maths we have been doing some maths problems. This week the problems we were solving involved using our times table and our division. I have worked with Oh Hsen to show our learning through a DLO (Digital Learning Object). We have included the backstory and the LI (learning Intention).
Monday, 20 November 2017
Similarities and differences
Compare the similarities and differences between both characters. - Zach and Master Zhang
- Similarities - They are both angry and confused.
- Differences - Zach comes from America and Master Zhang comes from China. Zach is a child and Master Zhang is a grandfather.
Today for reading Ofa and I were comparing two of the characters in the novel we were reading. The book we read was called The Ninth Dragon. It is abut a boy named Zach and he is going to China. The problem is that he doesn't have a choice. When he gets to China he meets this man named Master Zhang. He is really confused and doesn't know where he is because he bumped his head. Then he thinks that he is in the Museum where his Mum works but that is not true.
Thursday, 16 November 2017
Police Team Visit
Today, we were lucky enough to see the Police at our school. The Police Dogs (German Shepherd) and the Police helicopter also came. The landing of the helicopter was spectacular. They landed in the top field of the school. After that they showed us the special features the Police helicopter has. The thing that interested me the most was the camera in front of the helicopter. It can find someone who is lost really easily. After we saw the great attributes to the helicopter, the Police dogs came. The dog that we saw was awesome and his name was Kahu. Did you know that a German Shepherd can run as fast as 65 km per hour! We also got to witness how the dog attacks a criminal. On top of that we learnt how the Police force is a great part of our community. They help us out in so many ways and sometimes we don't even notice. They are great because they keep us safe from harm. A big thanks to Constable Cyrus for getting this to all happen. Everyone had a blast.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Teeth Animation
This week LS2 has been learning how we needed to share a community message. We were learning about what would happen if we didn't look after our teeth. Before creating DLOs we looked at disgusting photos of bad teeth, to help us find out what it would look like. After we got into partners, my partner was Ofa. Then Ofa and I have created an animation on why people should brush their teeth. The question that we used was are you brushing twice a day? Throughout making this animation we learnt some new words like decay, cavity, tartar and plaque. We learnt that decay is when your teeth becomes to rot and it starts to disappear and for example sugar makes your teeth decay. The animation that we have made is mainly for Room 1.
Thursday, 9 November 2017

Today for kiwi sport we had badminton with Kevin. Kevin is a professional badminton player. Firstly Kevin taught us how to use a backhand/forehand strike. Next we had to find a friend to pass to and practice our backhand/forehand strikes. My partner was Josh. After hitting the shuttlecock and passing it we had to rally it to each other and count how many passes did you do. But there was a twist. One person had to use the backhand grip and another person had to use the forehand grip. The total amount of passes that we made was 59. This season was really fun and I can't wait to find out what we are going to do next week.
Fraidoon and Josh,
Kiwi sport,
Film Festival - 2017 - 10 Year Anniversary
On Wednesday our school went to the Manaiakalani film festival at the Sylvia park hoyts cinema. This year we were celebrating the 10 year anniversary for the film festival. There was a total of 111 films that were made. Since our class was late we couldn't watch the movies for the first season, so we had to go to the second season. We watched the movies of Tamaki Primary and Point England. I enjoyed watching the movies of Point England the most because they were really funny. Tamaki Primary School also had great and creative movies. Unfortunately we did not get to watch our film because we were in the second season. The movie I enjoyed the most was from Point England. It was about a boy trying to tell a story, but each time he tried to introduce the story a different film would play. After we came back to school we made blog comments on other school's movies. I had really fun and can't wait for next year.
10 Year Anniversary,
Film Festival,
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Fox Adaptations
Today for Inquiry LS2 were learning about animal adaptation. We had to choose an animal that starts with the first letter of our name. My name starts with a F, so I decided to research about Fox. We made DLO's of our animal and how it has adapted to living in its environment. In our DLO's we put information like their habitat (where they live), diet (what they eat) what they look like, etc. Did you that Foxes are similar to dogs. They are interesting animals and they can be found in area such as North America.
Thursday, 2 November 2017
This term for Kiwi sport we have Badminton with Kevin. Kevin is a professional Badminton player who plays for Auckland. To start off we were revising the skills that we learnt last week. The skills were juggling and using our forehand/backhand grips. Next we had to find a partner to practice serving and hitting it to each other. My partner Josh and I, each had five turns serving and hitting the shuttlecock. We had to make sure we hit it gently so it goes to my partner. Then we had a rally competition. Josh and I had to cooperate and make sure the shuttlecock dd not hit the ground. Also we had to keep an eye on the shuttle and control our swing, stance and direction. Every time we passed it to each without dropping it we would get one point, but if we dropped it we would have to start all over again. Josh did really well passing it to me and I did well passing it back. For our final score got 46 points.
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Explanation - How Children Learn At School
This week for writing we have been practicing, how to writing an explanation to First we wrote on a piece of paper. Before writing it we planned our explanation so we know what to write in our text. Josh S and I were partners. We learnt that in a explanation there has to be a title telling why or how something works, the introduction which has a hook like a rhetorical questions, 3 Paragraphs of interesting points in order and the conclusion. The writing below shows you our explanation we wrote about How Children Learn At School.
How Children Learn At School
Have you ever wanted to know how your child is learning at school. There are so many ways children learn, like talking to others to give them more confidence. They like to learn from each other by asking questions and giving comments.
Children love trying new things and learning from them. They have the ability to think and reflect about their learning.
They are capable of asking open ended questions, which helps them learn even more.
Most kids have role models that they look up to. By watching their role model, it encourages them to be more like that person. Some kids like sport players and are eager to learn and train like them.
Kids can also communicate by giving feedback and feed forward to one another. They like to follow good examples in ways which interests them. One way is that they practice their new skills to get even better at it.
Children learn through numerous ways. They agree or disagree on other people's opinions in a positive way. Kids learn best with and from each other.
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Screencastify - Finding Fractions Of An Amount
On Friday we had Mrs Grant teaching LS2 how to use screencastify. We were screencastifying our maths strategies. For this we first wrote our scripts, then we clicked on the Screencastify extension. After that we started recording. Setting this up took long, but we did it. It was great learning a new way to learn and share our work.
Wednesday, 18 October 2017
Rugby Union Inter school
Today was the Rugby Union Inter School. Each team was split up into groups. The year seven and eight's boys had four game. The first school we played against was Glen Taylor. We fought hard but we couldn't get our tackles right. The score was 0 - 17 to Glen Taylor. Then we had a bye. Our second game was against Glen brae. We had great runs and tackles but unfortunately we lost 10-17 points. Our third game was against Glenn Innes. Our defense and line outs were awesome. But sadly we lost 10-17. Our last game was against Tamaki Primary. They were a toughest team out there. We still fought hard to win but we lost. Losing our games didn't put us down. I think we were respectful to every team. But all that matters is that we had fun. Thank you to Mrs Caroline, Mr O and Mrs Ally.
Panmure Bridge School,
Sunday, 8 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 5, Bonus Activity
This was the last activity for the Blogging Journey. I have enjoyed it so much. It has helped me learn lot's of new things, and I can't wait for the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity, we had to make a Venn diagram comparing the Auckland to the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Blogging Journey,
Bonus Activity,
Day 5,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 5, Activity 2
The Cost:
For an adult it would cost $165, and for a child it would cost a $135
You need to be 10 years or older.
Footwear is needed.
You need to be above 35 kilograms and below 150 kilograms.
This is was my second to last activity of the PBS Blogging Journey. For it I had to find out the cost and requirements you need to bungee jump off the Harbour bridge.
For an adult it would cost $165, and for a child it would cost a $135
You need to be 10 years or older.
Footwear is needed.
You need to be above 35 kilograms and below 150 kilograms.
This is was my second to last activity of the PBS Blogging Journey. For it I had to find out the cost and requirements you need to bungee jump off the Harbour bridge.
Activity 2,
Blogging Journey,
Day 5,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 5, Activity 1
I have reached the final day of the PBS Blogging Journey. For this activity I had to create a dlo providing facts about the Auckland Harbour Bridge. I learnt that it took four years to build the Harbour Bridge.
Activity 1,
Blogging Journey,
Day 5,
Thursday, 5 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 4, Activity 2
Today I did the second activity for day 4. Each year there is a parade at the Museum, we had to find out when and why it's held. To record our answers we had to use Vocaroo. I think this activity was cool because we were trying something new.
Here is my link to the recording - Link
Activity 2,
Blogging Journey,
Day 4,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 4, Activity 1
Today I did the first activity of day four for the school holiday reading challenge, for it I had to find out about what life was like as an ANZAC soldier. I had to visit the Museum Website and find out 3 facts and write why it interests me. To get this information, we had to watch a few videos that explained the events that happened throughout World War 1.
Fact 1 - There was one time when the Turkish waved a white flag, requesting to free clean their bodies. This fact interests me because I never knew that you could do that in a war.
Fact 2 - Austria - Hungary declared war on Serbia supported by Germany, then the Russians declared war on Austria - Hungary supported by France. Once Germany invaded France through Belgium, and then came the British, until all countries were included in this war making it a world war. The reason this fact interests me is because that one small thing can lead to something huge.
Fact 3 - Over 44,00 ANZAC troops died because they missed the spot hey were supposed to land at, they landed near a cliff where the enemy troops were. This fact is interesting to me because by making a small mistake can really cost you.
Activity 1,
Blogging Journey,
Day 4,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 3, Bonus Activity
For the bonus activity of day 3 I had to create a DLO that provides information on the opening times and prices of Kelly Tarlton's. I got all my data from the Kelly Tarlton's site.
Blogging Journey,
Bonus Activity,
Day 3,
Wednesday, 4 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 3, Activity 2
For my second activity of day three, I had to choose an animal from Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium and make an infographic about it. I chose to do a Penguin. In the DLO I have created I have talked about the diet, Predators, habitat and appearance.
Activity 2,
Blogging Journey,
Day 3,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 3 - Activity 1
This is my first activity of day 3. For this activity I had to use my smart searching skills to find out how much it would cost for my family to go to Kelly Tarlton's Sea Life Aquarium. I think by doing this activity it really helped me find out how much costs. Now I know how much it costs, I think its pretty expensive.
Activity 1,
Blogging Journey,
Day 3,
Tuesday, 3 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 2, Bonus Activity
Blogging Journey,
Bonus Activity,
PBS Blogging Journey - Day 2, Activity 2
For the second activity of day two was, to create a new mascot that would do Scotty's job while he was on holiday. My Mascot's name was Bobby. I found making the shapes hard because I am not really good at making pictures on a google drawing. Other than that I think I did a good job.
Activity 2,
Blogging Journey,
Day 2,
PBS Blogging Journey Day 2, Activity 1
For second day we were exploring the Sky Tower. I had to find five facts about it. Something cool that I learnt from this activity is that on a clear day you can see 82 kilometers away from the tower. Wow that is ridiculous.
Blogging Journey,
Monday, 2 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey Day 1, Bonus Activity
For my bonus activity, I had to watch a short video and then choose a ride that you would recommend to a friend. Also describe how you might feel and write a 25 word summary. I think I would feel a bit nervous because the Roller Coaster goes really fast and does lot's of loops.
25 word Summary - The Roller Coaster is a ride where you can find at theme parks like Rainbow's End, also theirs a height restriction that you have to exceed.
Blogging Journey,
Sunday, 1 October 2017
PBS Blogging Journey Day 1, Activity 2

For this activity I had to find out the minimum height for the stratosphere, then we had to give a reason why I think there is a height restriction. There are two different modes such as the less extreme mode (45 degree swing angle) and the really extreme mode (360 degree swing angle). To go on the less extreme you need to be 130 cm or higher. Then to go on the really extreme your going to have to be 150 cm or higher.The reason I think there is a height restriction, is that maybe the seat belt will be to big for a smaller kid and they might fall off. Why do you guys think there is a height restriction?
Activity 2,
Blogging Challenge,
Day 1,
PBS Blogging Journey Day 1, Activity 1
For these holidays PBS have made there own Blogging Journey. For this activity I had to find the location Rainbow's End, and how much it will cost for a family pass. Also how much it would cost for my family to go there. I found this activity easy because I could easily find what I needed.
Activity 1,
Blogging Journey,
Day 1,
Thursday, 28 September 2017
2017 Production - Dancing Through The Decades
To celebrate the 60th birthday for Panmure Bridge School did a production. Each class had a decade that they had to dance from. In LS2 we have the 70's and 80's and our songs are I See Red, Staying Alive and Footloose. I was shocked when I found out that we had to dance to these old classics but at the same time I was excited. Before our dance we had 2 junior classrooms and the Kapa Haka group do there item. I was really nervous before going on the stage, but after we finished our dance I wasn't that nervous.
Panmure Bridge School,
Kiwi Can
This morning LS2 had Kiwi Can. During Kiwi Can we played three games which was Hand Soccer, 10 down and Objects. In Hand Soccer we were first split into two groups. We each given numbers from 1 to 13. Mr Malu had to call out two numbers and those two numbers had to try and get a goal between the two cones with their hands. It was a very challenging games because we had to use our hand to get the goal. My favorite game was Objects because it was a very creative game. In this game we were split into four teams. Mr Malu and Mrs Latoya had to put an object in the middle and each group had to figure out anything to do with that object for example one of the objects was a hula hoop. What my group did with it was pretending it was a basketball hoop. I think LS2 could play this game again.
Elections Kahoot
For the final task for election's everyone had to create a kahoot quiz with at least 10 question based on the elections. Jeremiah, San kyaw and I finished first so we to share ours to LS2. There were lot's of questions but the question which stand out, was how long was Helen Clark Prime Minister for. Learning about elections was really fun I enjoyed doing the challenges because it really tested me.
Hokey Pokey Advertisment
This week LS2 has been focusing on advertisements. Our task was to create a poster pointing out the things they include to make us want to buy their product. For example, ice cream brands like Tip Top make their product look bigger. For Tip Top they make the it look like there is lots of ice cream.
Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Adidas Fun Run
On Thursday Panmure Bridge School had Cross Country at Dunkirk. First the junior's had there race's and they did 2 laps. Then it was time for the seniors to race. First Room 5 had there race, everyone tried really hard. Then it time for LS1 to race they also did pretty good, all of them tried there hardest and never stopped until the finish line. Finally it was our turn, everyone was really hyped and could not wait. Our class had to do five laps. At the start lane my heart was betting faster than ever before. We were all getting ready for the horn. When Mr Johnston honked the horn everyone sprinted. I was coming first until I got tired. I knew that if I keep on sprinting I will lose my energy faster. So I had to use it wisely by jogging, and that really helped me save my energy. After doing four laps I was on to my last one, and I was exhausted. But I never gave up, I kept on running until I finished. After all that I came fourth place. I think I did really well but could not make it to 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Maybe Next time I can make.
Princess Bride - Character Introduction
In the past few weeks LS2 were doing a media study on a movie called The Princes Bride. We learnt the type of shots of the character introductions. During the movie there was protagonist (goodie) and the antagonist (baddie).We also learnt what the characters role is in the movie and the type of clothing they are wearing. Buttercup was wearing white dress which means she is a protagonist. The DLO above shows you what I learnt about the characters in the movie.
Character Introduction,
Princess Bride
Monday, 25 September 2017
Learning about Coalition
This morning we were learning what a Coalition and how NZ First Coalition will affect the election. A Coalition is when Political parties join forces to help choose a new Prime Minister. E.g: If Winston Peters joins Labour party they will win and if he joins National party they will win. To day I learnt what a Coalition is.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Scale Drawing
For the past few weeks Learning Space 2 have been doing Scale Drawing art. We first had to choose an image that we were going to draw. I chose to do Batman. Next we had to make a grid on top of the picture. I found drawing the grids the hardest because I am not really good at drawing straight lines. After that we made an enlargement of our Scale Drawing. This was also hard because I could not draw the belt. When I finished my enlargement I had to color it in. Finally we had to make a name plate and choose a background color. I think my Scale Drawing turned out to be really cool, don't you think. I had so much fun doing this and can't wait to find out what we are doing next.
Scale Drawing,
Scale Factor
Wednesday, 20 September 2017
This blog post is about Democracy. Did you know that Democracy is is originated from Greece and the word demo is the word demos in Greek and that Demos mean village. The word Cracy is the word Kratia in Greek and that means Rules, Power and Might.
Prime Minister
This is a DLO I made about a prime minister named David Lange and he was the 32nd prime minister of New Zealand. He also helped to make New Zealand a nuclear free country and he died in 2005. I made this DLO with the help of Daniel, Shannon, Oh Hsen, AJ, Eric and CJ.
Prime Minister
Political Party Jigsaw
Bill English
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Jacinda Ardern
Photo, Wiremu Stadtwald Demchick, CC by 4.0
Photo By Elections,
Public domain
Photo, By Maps, Public domain
Mt Albert
James Shaw
Photo by Green Party NZ/CC BY-SA 4.0
Photo by Source/Public Domain
Wellington Central
Photo by russellstreet/CC BY-SA 2.0
NZ First
Winston Peters
Photo by AirflowNZ/ CC BY-SA 3.0
Photo by New Zealand First/ Public Domain
Photo by Ridcully Jack/ CC BY-SA 4.0
David Seymour
Photo by Eunice Minjeong/CC BY-SA 4.0
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Marma Fox
Photo by Wiremu Stadtwald /CC BY 4.0
Photo by Wikipedia/CC by 2.0
Photo by SocialLink/ CC by 2.0
United Future
Damian Light
Photo by New Zealand parliament, Public Domain
Photo by google maps, Public Domain
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Gareth Morgan
Photo by
News Hub, Public domain
Photo by Elections, Public domain
Photo by Eunice Minjeong/CC BY-SA 4.
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