I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 31 May 2018
Kiwi Sport| Rippa Rugby
Rippa Rugby
First Rugby Match In New Zealand
In Poetry this week we have been learning about a ballad poem and a pioneer named Charlotte Ann. After we were to create a Dlo about something special that happened in the 1870's. Ofa, Miki, Aung Naing and I chose to research about the first rugby match that was played in New Zealand. I learnt that back in 1870 they had 18 player on the field and now we only have 15 players. In our dlo we tried to make a GIF and it didn't turn out to be as good as we thought it would be, but at least we tried.
Ballad Poem
This week our class has been focusing on poetry. We were learning about a ballad poem called our heritage. Once we listened we used the six thinking hats to explore more about the poem. Ofa, Miki, Aung Naing and I worked really hard to make sure we wrote everything in our own words and made sure we answered the questions. I learnt what a ballad poem is. A ballad poem is a poem that tells a story. I found out that a bullocky is an animal driver.
Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Fence Post: Problem
Today during maths we were to finish off tasks we did not finish either this week's tasks, or the previous weeks tasks. In this problem we needed to find out how many corner posts and regular posts would Savelina have to buy to enclose two adjacent paddocks. We found this task quite easy and hard at the same time because there were some bits that we struggled with, like writing a blurb in the DLO. Although in the end we solved it. We learnt a new word, adjacent. It means something or someone next to each other. For this activity, I worked with Jack, Sanujan, and Ofa.
Salary Problem
This week for maths we were finishing maths task that we didn't get to do before. In this task we were to solve a word problem that involves money. Mataio and I worked collaboratively to solve this. I found this task quite easy because it mostly involved addition. Maybe next time I could try and use my times tables to solve it.
Monday, 21 May 2018
Fake IPhone Messages
Today for writing we were making our own conversations using a website called IPhone Fake Text. Once we finished our conversation we were to use punctuation that we would use in a story. We also needed to make sure we didn't use TV characters and our real names. This was a different and fun activity that I really enjoyed.
Tuesday, 15 May 2018
Summer/Winter Juxtaposition
As I jubilate out of my bed I hear the birds carolling and chirping away.
The bright leaves rush and gush in the breeze as they sway.
The sun peered over me like it was just waiting to give me a hug.
I say hello, stride to the kitchen, and boil the jug.
I assemble and eat my breakfast, and prepare to brush my teeth.
I then walk outside, and put up the Christmas wreath.
Then I kiss my mum goodbye and dash my way to school.
But I make sure to check my bag, because that’s the school day rule.
I struggle to wake up, as I resist to get out of my warm bed.
I was stuck in the rain yesterday, now I have a fever, and a boiling head.
I dawdle through the icy smooth floor, chuck on my uniform, and go to boil the kettle.
I felt like I slept for days, maybe I’ll even get a sleeping medal.
I chuck on my bag, and scurry my way out the door.
I need to get to school fast, because I make it back home at quarter past four!
I have half an hour left, so I need to run.
Although I forgot my lunch, looks like I need to buy a cinnamon bun
This week we our class was doing poetry. First as a whole class we read a poem called Two Day Wonder. For our task we were to write our own poem about going to school in Summer and Winter. We also had to make sure our poem had a Juxtaposition. Juxtaposition means putting two opposites side by side to make a contrast. Jack, Sanujan and I thought we could challenge ourselves by making it rhyme. I learnt what Juxtaposition means.
Monday, 14 May 2018
This week for inquiry the other task was to create a DLO on the 7 things that you can use to figure out if something is alive, we can remember the things by remembering a name, M.R.S G.R.E.N. The M is for movement, the R is for respiration, the S is for senses, G is for grow, R is for reproduction, E is for excretion and N is for nutrition. I completed this DLO with the help of Alex.
Skeletal System - Anatomy
Today for inquiry we were learning about the human skeletal system. We were to go and read about the skeletal system and then play a game. In this game we needed to assemble the bones in the right place. Our challenge was to get it in twenty six tries. My favorite part of the game was that it helped me learn more about the human body.
Body System,
Human Body,
Skeletal System
Thursday, 10 May 2018
Age Problem
This week for maths the task was to solve a problem about age and then create a dlo about how we worked it out. For this task i worked with Alex. There were some parts that got Alex and I confused because we thought that it was Peter who was 4 years younger than Jack but after a while of searching to find the fault and we finally finish the problem.
Today LS2 was learning about Homonyms. Homonyms are 2 words that are spelt the same and be pronounced the same, but they have totally different meanings. I finished this dlo with the help of Mataio. I think Mataio and I came up with interesting homonym examples. I enjoyed doing this task because I learnt what a homonym is.
Today for reading rakino groups task was to make an evaluation about the text read. The story was called Harry's war. In our dlo we were to write a summary, facts and questions that we had after reading the text. I think our groups worked really well and everyone contributed in the work. I learnt that Harry never fought in the war.
Wednesday, 9 May 2018
Lung Capacity
To compare the ling capacity of students in LS2, we used one breath to blow up a balloon. Then we measured the circumference if the balloon in cm. After we could graph the results to compare them. Did you know that four people had the lung capacity of 50 cm? You can also see that Julian has the biggest and Avalon and the smallest lung capacity.
Human Body,
Lung Capacity
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
On Wednesday some students from Panmure Bridge School were lucky enough to get a chance to sail a boat. We were taught how to put together and put apart the boat. Ofa and I did really well with all the instructions. Maria and Simon were the instructors. If we needed help with anything we would ask them. In the boat there were two parts that needed to be controlled. I was the person to sail and Ofa was steering the boat. My favorite part of the day was playing the games with my mates. Thank you to Mr Johnston, Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Colanbrander
Friday, 4 May 2018
The Unfinished Drink
This week for reading we read a poem that was about man named La Tour Mollet d'Auvergne (Ted). The poem we read was a narrative poem. A narrative poem is a poem that tells a story. The story is mainly about Ted never coming back home to finish his beer bottle. On the final day before he left to war he was drinking beer but he did not have time to finish it, so he told the publican "Don't break it or sell it, just keep it in store, and we'll drink it when I come back home from war." But that didn't happen because he died. This poem made me feel sad and happy because the publican kept his promise and sad because the man died.
Thursday, 3 May 2018
As part of Kiwi sport this term, LS2 was given a great opportunity to do skating. The instructor Puna helped us how to stop our self from falling over, how to get up and etc. After practicing our skating abilities Puna held a race for us. There was 4 groups that raced and the winner of each group went to the final. Unfortunately I could not make it first in my group. The top skater of all groups was Zane. At the end we were lucky enough to get VIP passes to Skate land so we can improve our skills.
For this term our inquiry topic is about the Human body. Our first task was to create a storyboard about the story of Hineahuone who was the first women and world created (based on the Maori Beliefs). I worked collaboratively with Ofa to create this and we did a amazing job together. Before creating anything we were to sketch note on paper. We did this by drawing symbols of what the story was talking about. For example if the story had the word jump in it we would probably draw a person jumping or a arrow going up. It was a bit challenging but we got the hang of it at the end. After sketch noting we were to read our symbols and try and read out the story. Finally we were to create a storyboard that about the story.
Human Body,
Tuesday, 1 May 2018
Shaun Tan's Quote

This week LS2 have been doing a Sophisticated Picture book study. The book we were focusing on was called Memorial. The book was about memories that have been past down by generations of a family. For this we were to listen carefully to the story and learn what its about. The slide above is about the Illustrator (Shaun Tan) and his quote about the story. After reading quote we were to write what the quote means and give examples from the story. Click on this link to see our presentation about the book.
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