
Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Japanese Method

L.I To Investigate the "Japanese" method of Multiplication.
This is my maths task for this week. Our group had to choose  method that they wanted to learn and our group chose the Japanese method. I learnt how to solve a math equation using the Japanese method.


  1. Hi Fraidon,
    The Japanese method sure does sound fun and effective on your work. I will be sure to try this method the next time we do maths.

  2. Hello Fraidon,

    Magnificent work on your Japanese Method, Even those I didn't understand half the presentation I can tell you spent time trying to work on this DLO/Presentation. Good Job Fraidon.

  3. Excellent resource to help teach other people this method. Having a good grounding in place value means you can then apply this strategy to any number. I would judge from Potes comment and I agree, it does need a little more explanation on how it works, and why you move number in to those place values.
