I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Tower Comparison
Similarities and Differences - Gotthard Base Tunnel and Waterview Tunnel
For inquiry we have been looking at different structures. For this task we were to make a comparison between the Gotthard Base Tunnel and the Waterview Tunnel in pairs. My partner was Alex. But before that we needed to watch two short video that included facts about the Waterview Tunnel and the Gotthard Base Tunnel. While watch this video we needed to take notes and get as much information as we could. I learnt that it took seven years to build the Waterview Tunnel.
Similarities and Differences,
Venn diagram
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Maths Rich Task - Jola's Birthday Party
This week for maths Ms Kirkpatrick has set us another Maths Rich Task. In my perspective I think this was the easiest problem I've ever solved. First we were to solve three problems based on a birthday party. The skill we used to solve this problem was our division and multiplication skills. After solving the three problems we then had to pick one of the problems to make a DLO on. Ofa and I have decided to choose the last problem which talks about how many eggs each person that attended Jola's birthday should get. Each box holds 6 eggs and we had to figure out if 50 eggs would be enough for 8 of the guest. Our answer and our working out is on the DLO.
Tuesday, 28 August 2018
Tunnel Purposes
Bridge Comparison
For Inquiry this term our topic is structures. Today we were looking at bridges. In pairs we were to create a Venn Diagram comparing the Auckland Viaduct Harbour Bridge with the Golden Gate Bridge. My partner was Alex. I learnt that 11 people past away during the construction of the Golden Gate Bridge. Did you know that cars can't cross the Auckland Viaduct Bridge.
Friday, 24 August 2018
Technology - Food Tech
This week for food technology we were made Hawaiian Pizza in pairs. My partner was Mikihirou. To start, the first person had to get our pizza bread and spread the tomato paste on top of the bread. While they were doing that the second person then diced the onion, and chicken. When everything was done we put all the toppings on our pizza with a bit of pineapple. After that we topped our pizza with cheese then we put it in an oven which was preheated to 180 degrees for 15 minutes. I really enjoyed and in my perspectives this is my favorite cooking session out of all. I also enjoyed food tech today because I drunk the pineapple juice.
Ingredients :
Thursday, 23 August 2018
HIIT Training
This weeks session of HIIT was awesome, and I hadn't done HIIT training for 2 weeks because I was at Australia. The exercises we were doing was push ups, squats, tap step and star jumps. I found this weeks HIIT session a bit harder because I hadn't done much exercise in the past two weeks. But that still did not stop me from pushing myself to the limit. We also had a few problems with the music not playing. I think I did really well because I managed to get myself in the red zone. Next time I would like to do harder exercises such as split squat pulse, split squat karate kick and etc. I also want to give a huge thank you to Mataio, Tiava, Zane and Lyric for being great leaders and leading the session.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Sky Tower Visit
Today LS2, LS1 and room 5 were really lucky to go on a sponsored trip to the Sky Tower. When we got to the Sky Tower we were split into two groups. Each group had a chance to go to the top. When we went there we were given a challenge. Our challenge was find out the unnamed landmarks around Auckland on a booklet that we were given. To help us out there were hints around the 51st floor. After that we were taken back to the bottom floor where we watched a ten minute video about the sky tower. Did you know that the Sky Tower is as heavy as 6,000 elephants. Are you aware that it took two years and nines months to build it. I want give a huge thank you Mr Bates for kindly sponsoring our trip. Without him we would have not been able to go on this fun and amazing trip.
Why Is Sleep So Important?
Throughout the previous weeks my reading group worked collaboratively together to create a DLO about why sleep is so important? Today my group presented our sleep DLO to everyone. The type of reading we used to create our DLO was reciprocal reading. We also used a strategy called inferring. Inferring means reading between lines and combining clues from a particular text and using our prior knowledge to get an idea. We found that elders need the same amount of sleep as adults interesting because we thought they would need more sleep because they are older. We all used our great researching skills to find interesting information and facts about sleep. I found this task really interesting and fun and I would like to do more tasks like this in the future.
Friday, 3 August 2018
Cook Island Language Week
As part of celebrating Cook Island language week LS2 have been practicing basic phrases in Cook Island. To get better at pronouncing the phrases we used a site called Digital Dialects. On this site we were also able to learn the name of fruits and vegetables in Cook Island. After that we were to create a conversation with a partner in the Cook Island language. I did this with Julian. I found this task fun and interesting because I was able to learn a new language and have fun while doing it. To hear our recording click on this LINK.
HIIT - Pau Te Hau
Today for HIIT we were focusing on mountain climbers, split squat karate kick, high knee sprint and star jumps. During this session Mataio, Tiava and Zane were helping us get our techniques right. Between the exercises we had 20 second intervals. I found the mountain climbers exercise the most difficult. But, I tried my hardest and gave it my all. I think everyone did a great job and tried there best. I am really proud of everyone because we all got into the red zone.
Pau Te Hau,
PE(Physical Education)
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